Monday, May 10, 2021

Intruder Fighting Songs


In one of my Songwriter's groups, someone asked help: His mind kept suggesting a title of "INTRUDER" for heavy rock, but he couldn't think of a topic that was NOT negative, like home invasion. By the time I saw his post, I noticed, NO one else had suggested an 
Hope-Filled song.  
So here was my suggestion: 
How about all the Lies trying
 to Intrude into our mind & take over... 
SO many ideas for songs ...
Especially about LIES like BULLIES tell us-- 
  •     You're worthless, 
  •     You're ugly, 
  •     You'll never amount to anything- may as well kill yourself.
(Actual lines especially of high school bullies....)
AND "Useful" LIES to our MINDS by Satan, according to Jesus, who said this angel that God made chose to reject his creator...
and became the "FATHER OF LIES" to people. -- John 10:10.
Think of how YOU could encourage other people with your SONG words! 
Such a joy, a "purpose" while having fun  "playing around" 
writing Song Lyrics that give HOPE. Even if you don't write MELODIES.... Hey,
You can always find a musician eager to put HOPE into Music Notes! -- DianaDee

Much joy to you in growing your music! - DdO:)
©2021, 2015  by DianaDee Osborne (all material)all rights reserved.  
PHOTO CREDIT:    within photo
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