Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Avoid the PRIDE THING in Studio

It's almost amusing.
As we singers "advance" in our dreams and goals, sometimes we get enough money
to hire a studio producer to record our singing.

It's rather human that we don't reach this point until we think we're pretty good.
It's rather human to be a bit miffed when hearing the suggestion that we could improve something.

But we are -- after all -- paying someone  
who "knows" his or her stuff.
Who has experience and equipment to make us sound good --
but also the professional responsibility to be honest 
when we can improve.

Amazingly, I've repeatedly heard professionals speak of singers
who were insulted to be told they were slipping off key,
or had their feelings hurt when told that their tone for Part 1 did not match that of Part 2 in a song.
So this is a pretty simple hint.  Sorry it sounds a bit preachy.  Just ignore if you'd like. But here 'tis:

In a studio, you would be paying for professional services to make you sound "good".
The producers have no interest in hurting your feelings;  
they just want to do what they're getting paid for -- 
give objective evaluations.  
Only then can singers move on to the next step in good vocal recordings:
         Consider the advice without pride. 
         And -- if desired -- take it.  
You can always ask for the old recorded vocal track to be used :)

Much joy to you in growing your music!
©2012 DianaDee Osborne;  all rights reserved