- DianaDeeOsborneSongs.com
I first began writing Songs of God in June 2006 with "AMAZING GRACE
my main prayer was
"Who in the world is going to hear songs from
some lady in <TinyTown>, God?!"...
But I had song ideas "in my head" ---
SO I began writing songs anyway.
opened to the public JUST 3 months later,
and of course the World Wide Web internet has
become Easy.
Almost 700 recorded songs on website later, I *CAN* encourage you!
.... DON'T GIVE UP any
you think might "just possibly" be from God!
When God wants our
service, He provides our way.
Ephesians 3:20-21, you don't want to work
in your OWN power anyway!
For HIS Glory.....
Much joy to you in growing your music! - DdO:)
©2021 by DianaDee Osborne (all material), all rights reserved.
FREE personal usage; see website. CCLI.com songwriter #P272655
SOME of these blogs also published on Facebook page for Website,SEE ALSO:
(1 ) FACEBOOK PARABLES IN LIFE FacebookParablesInLife.blogspot.com
(2) "LYRICS FOR YOUR MUSIC" = MUSIC AVAILABLE for Musicians to use.. -- already formatted with TIMING, Copyrighted; contact for Rights & permissions. FREE download-able PDFs @ FUTURE tabs on website below.
DEVOTIONS versions at BLOG: LyricsForYourMusic.blogspot.com
(3) FREE
music website with ALMOST 700 MP3 audios + ACCOMPANIMENT TRACKS & downloadable music sheets, at http://www.DianaDeeOsbornesongs.com/
No registration needed to use music website OR to download songs!
No registration needed to use music website OR to download songs!
(1) via website CONTACT TAB-- Add PERSONAL SUBJECT & NAME in FROM box, OR (2) BEST = via Facebook MESSAGE at https://www.facebook.com/dianadee.osborne
This blog ©2010-2021 DianaDee Osborne (all material), all rights reserved.