Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Find Music in Nature

People did not invent music. And no, dogs and dinosaurs did not either! :)  You can find amazing music ideas for your song rhythms and textures and even the lyrics by simply
listening to the creations around you.

We all learned this as toddlers, of course.  Rattle the crunchy fall leaves, swish around the ocean waters,  run for shelter from the shaking thunder and its brilliant partner...
      But sometimes we forget.  When I've been stumped for the "right sound" for one of the over 200 songs on my website DianaDeeOsborneSongs.com,  I just sit and listen to the creation around me.   I receive so much inspiration from quieting MYSELF.  For there is so much more music around each of us than we will EVER hear if we won't patiently sit to listen.  An example from just listening to river waves against the rocks during a heavy wind:

        One day I noticed something “different” in the sound as I stood by the water at dawn.  I closed my eyes... listened... realized that to my left, the water was like the usual 4/4 time with a heavy hit on the rocks as “Count 1” and a lighter hit on “count 3” and then repeating the pattern at the end of each 4 counts.
       BUT -- on my RIGHT side, the water took longer between “count 3” and the heavy repeat on Count 1.  The Music of the Water was in 5/4 time as it hit the rock barrier at a different angle.
       I charted out what I heard in the sand, and later created a spreadsheet to study my observation.  After talking with a couple of mathematicians, I learned that the word for this combination of two different series is “Combinatoric” --- 
COMBINATORIC:  A Math term.  Taking 2 (or more) sets of something and comparing them to look for elements in common.