My music skills are average. I tried for a number of years to write "pretty good" songs -- not even going for "great". Then, in frustration, I decided -- "what's the harm?
I may as well do some experiments", after I read about testing for help in the Bible, in Malachi 3. And so I started praying.
If you don't yet believe there's a God who yearns to give you joy in music and peace in life and etc. -- that's ok. But maybe sometime you too might like to just "see what happens." Here is what happened for me with my pretty good yet still average music skills:
From 2001 to 2007, I loved the hard rock and all other types of music at music festivals like ALIVE and CREATION, so I kept trying to write songs. The result: In 2006, I wrote new music called "Amazing Grace Blues" which has been popular with church bands looking for an up beat sound. ONE SONG in one year.
(free download at )
In 2007, I wrote half of "Nothing & Everything"; "I Praise You Despite"; and also
"I Choose Your Choice" with its key opening lines
I wanted fame and fortune and to dine out really well.
Instead I’m lucky when I can afford Tostado Bell.
I don’t need a Mercedes Benz--- a Cadillac will do.
Instead I’ve got a no-name car that’s held in place with glue...
THREE SONGS in one year.In 2008, something I considered horrendous happened. I was praying a lot anyway for 'any help I could get' -- and so figured I may as well also pray about my dream of music writing more also. Three days after the event, I wrote "Above My Sorrow Sea" music AND lyrics in under an hour. I kept praying through the turmoil (See "Third of Despair and Hope", another free download, for details).
The results of my song experiments:
53 SONGS from 2007 through 2009 for my first copyright package59 SONGS in 2010 (one year) for my copyright pkgs A, B, C
77 SONGS in 2011 (one year) for my cprt pkgs D,E,F,G
56 SONGS to date in 2012 for my cprt pkgs H, I, & J thru now
I do not share this to brag. In fact, I had to count up the numbers while I sit here typing, because I quit counting months ago. The 'SONGWRITING HINT" for this blog is this ----
There are many sources of help for writing good, even great, songs if you really want to. If you want more, even maybe supernatural skills, what's the harm in experimenting with prayer and with Malachi 3:10 type of exploration? Doesn't waste any time..... :)
Might help you write fun songs like my "SAFE EXPERIMENTS"!
Much joy to you in exploring ways to grow your songs!
©2012 DianaDee Osborne; all rights reserved. FREE DOWNLOADS and MUSIC SHEETS on website